
Customer Service
Personal Growth & Development
Lisa Blake is concentrating on business coaching with a focus on customer relations, time management, accountability and team member motivation and retention.
Lisa has experience in educating,
developing and refining leaders in order to improve one's workplace, family and overall success.
Lisa has served as an experienced inspirational speaker who communicates effectively to all ages. She speaks at various conferences, retreats, and for civic groups.
Attended Amarillo College
Graduate of ABA’s School of Bank Marketing
and Management
Graduate of Leadership Amarillo
Graduate of Leadership Texas
Previously served on the following community board of directors:
Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch School Board
Opportunity School
Children’s Learning Center
Presbyterian Home for Children
Martha’s Home
Victory Church
Amarillo Christian Women’s Club, Chairman
Served for many years on the Speakers Circuit for Christian Women’s Club (National Organization)
Amarillo Children's Home Board Member - past
Lisa Blake began her banking career in 1991 at First National Bank of Amarillo, Texas. Her focus was business development, customer service, advertising, sales training, employee motivation and public relations. She also served as the Marketing Director of the new First National.
In 2002, Wells Fargo acquired First National. Lisa began her career with Wells Fargo Bank as the District Manager. She was responsible for the effective management of 12 branches throughout the Texas Panhandle. Her position encompassed both Market Management and Human Resource Management, while focusing on customer relations and community support.
Lisa Blake is currently the Executive Director of Leadership Amarillo since 2012. She is responsible for overseeing the adult and teen programs. Leadership Amarillo & Canyon educates, develops and refines area leaders. The program also educates leaders on the challenges facing our community, as well as the successes. This program provides leadership tools to improve one’s workplace, family and service in the community. For more information, go to www.leadershipamarillo.org.
Lisa Blake is involved in various civic and community organizations. She has served on many community boards and committees, including City Council for one year, fulfilling the term for Dr. Brian Eades.
Lisa grew up in Amarillo, Texas, and has been married to Ron Blake for 42 years. They have 4 daughters and 7 grandchildren.